• Anger
• Frustration
• Bullying
• Obesity
• Alcohol / Drug use
• Acting out Sexually
• Distrust
• Panic Attack
• Rebellion
• Stomach and Headaches
• Bed Wetting
• Insomnia
• Worrying about the Future
• Little or No appetite
• Anxiety
• Disillusionment
• Feeling unloved
• Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Coping with Stress:
Now that we know what stress can do to your child, as parents and teachers, we are in a position to help them deal with stress and create a positive atmosphere for them to grow up in.
Adults can help children and teens with stress in many ways. Two important ways are creating a low-stress environment and helping them develop positive coping skills.
The following can help develop a low-stress environment:
- Acknowledge your child’s feelings. Reassure them by telling them that you can understand why they would feel the way they do.
- Let your child know that mistakes are learning experiences.
- Be supportive, and listen to your child’s concerns. Guide them to solve their own problems instead of solving their problems yourself. This develops enormous problem solving skills. But make sure that you are available to them when they need your help.
- Do not over-schedule your child with too many classes and activities.
- Find ways to have your children contribute to the family.
- Consider what your child desires (not just yours).
It is important to help children develop positive coping skills, as these skills are often carried into adult life. You can help by:
- Providing a good example. Keep calm and express your anger in appropriate ways.
- Encouraging rational thinking. Be sure your children think about consequences of their actions.
- Providing them with some control. Allow your children to make choices within your family. Discuss with them before making a big decision like moving, etc.
- Talking openly. When appropriate, talk about your stressful day. Encourage them to talk about what is bothering them.
- Finding a physical activity and/or hobby that they enjoy and encouraging them to participate.
- Encouraging them to eat healthy foods and emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle.